All the information that you need in
order to develop custom field formulas
returning accurate results in all
standalone desktop versions/editions of MS Project
supporting this feature
Professionals, who currently have knowledge
and skills to use MS Project desktop as a
planning and scheduling tool in managing
projects; and who also want to learn how to
make effective use of the custom field
formulas while working on the project data
Why buy this eBook ?
The custom field formulas are mostly used to
process projects' date and time information.
Sooner or later, you will need to develop
and use a custom field formula containing
some combination of date values, date field
references and MS Project’s built-in date
and time functions in order to analyze the
dates in a project schedule further in some
way, since tracking the progress of a
project requires focusing on the dates on
schedules constantly.
This eBook will teach you
how to utilize
this advanced feature that will improve your productivity while working on the
dates and times as well as the other kinds of project data such as duration,
work, cost and text.
By reading this eBook, you will also gain a
better understanding of how MS Project
handles project data in the background. Also
you will have a huge set of formulas to use
in your work. It will also serve as a
reference material since it explains how to use
all the built-in functions with examples.
The content of the eBook complies with the
standalone desktop versions/editions of MS
Project 2003 through 2019, except for the
content related to the manual-scheduling
feature which was added to the product with
MS Project
First edition of the eBook, which was
released on July 28th, 2015, is no longer
available. This is the second edition, and
contains 238 pages, excluding the cover
pages and the contents and index sections.
There is no printed version of this eBook.
Any topic on planning, scheduling and
managing projects with MS Project are
outside the scope of this eBook and any
formula implementations on specific areas
that require focusing on the techniques
rather than the feature itself, such as
formulas for schedule health check and
schedule quality assessment, are not covered.
one-fourth of the eBook is available
here to download and review instantly. The
sample pages contain the watermark "SAMPLE".
Click here to see
the list of errata.
How to
Buy the eBook
Important Note to Purchasers - All sales are final.
The purchase of this eBook is
not refundable and
no returns
are accepted for this eBook. Therefore,
review the sample content thoroughly on your
computer system and make sure that both the
content and the
format suit your needs before
attempting to buy the eBook.
details on the eBook format:
Page size of the eBook is
210 x 297 mm (the paper size
eBook is in pdf format and no other
electronic format of the eBook is available.
eBook can
be viewed by any pdf viewer.
Click the ordering button below if you want
to purchase the eBook (Price:
US$49.99). You will
receive an email with the download
link as soon as you complete
your purchase.

All transactions will take place through
FastSpring's system (a BBB A+
accredited business in US) and the eBook
file will be directly delivered from
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