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Graphical Reports / Burndown Charts


Published on November 4th, 2022


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This document is related to all standalone desktop versions of MS Project Professional/Standard supporting the Graphical Reports feature.



Various versions of burndown charts are utilized and interpreted in several different ways in order to track and forecast team’s progress in projects where SCRUM framework of the Agile Methodology is implemented. Here, we are not going to discuss how to create and use a burndown chart in a project that follows this methodology, as it is out of scope of this content, but instead, we will explore the structure of these built-in charts, focus on the particulars of customizing them and also discuss how MS Project calculates the data of the fields referenced by the reports containing these built-in charts; and then we will discuss how to interpret the information displayed on these charts in order to determine the current status of a small non-CPM schedule and also to forecast the project team’s future progress in the implementation phase. Whatever methodology you follow to plan and manage projects in your project environment, you would probably be able to decide on how to make use of these charts to your benefit after you have read the content below.


In future pages, we will review all the other built-in reports in detail and then discuss how to modify and customize them for our projects. We will also discuss how to create a custom report of a CPM project from scratch by adding charts (except for the burndown charts), tables and other graphical elements to a blank report page, and then how to customize these elements further in order to create easy-to-read reports. And finally, some new custom reports will be developed to further demonstrate the capabilities of the feature. You can create the same reports at your own pace by following the steps explained throughout the development process and then use these reports in your projects. Meanwhile, you can visit the other articles related to the Graphical Reports, here are the links:


Using Indicator Symbols in Task/Resource Tables in Graphical Reports

Creating the Custom Graphical Report "This Week's Tasks"


A graphical report may very well include some text reports' content in tables along with graphs and charts, and as such, we look over the text reports of earlier versions while discussing how to create graphical (and also visual) versions of some of these reports in the eBook Text Reporting in MS Project. Note that MS Project allows us to have both versions, Project 2010 and a later stand-alone desktop version, on the same computer. So, by such a configuration, you can keep utilizing the text reports, whenever you need them. In text reports, you can filter, sort and group the values in the table fields in order to interpret the project data so as to understand the project status and to see the variances from the planned values. While these text reports may show you the current status of the project and then they may help you with revising the project plan to take corrective actions accordingly, you need some graphs and charts that show you how the actual values in the timephased-table versions of these fields change against the planned ones over time or how they trend such that you can interpret how the project has been progressing so far (or how the team has been performing so far) and somehow forecast how its progress could be in future periods (or the team's future performance) for taking preventive actions when necessary. So, you need Graphical Reports that plot the timephased data of these fields over the time periods in order to see the trend and also to visually compare them with each other. These graphs may also help you to identify where to focus on the table data that the text report contain.





Reporting capabilities of MS Project’s stand-alone desktop versions/editions have been greatly improved by the introduction of the Graphical Reports feature, starting from MS Project Standard/Professional 2013. Some new fields in the timephased category were added to the product along with the graphical reports feature. The graphical reports can reference to these fields; thus, the project data can now be plotted against time in the charts, which would be otherwise possible only by exporting the project data to the other applications. As a result, how certain project data are distributed over time can now be visualized in the reports without leaving the application. These are dynamic reports connected to project data; in other words, they are dynamic in that once you create a report, it will be automatically updated as soon as the associated project data change; you do not need to produce the same report again, but instead, just refresh it. Besides, the same custom report can be used for the other project plans as well.


MS Project comes with many great reports in various categories that are ready to use right out of the box; see the Reports tab of the Organizer dialog box for the complete list of the built-in reports that were pre-installed to the product at the factory. You can modify and/or customize these built-in reports so as to suit your reporting needs or create your own custom reports from scratch by utilizing capabilities of the reporting feature. Note that the text reports feature was discontinued by the introduction of the graphical reports feature. Thus, MS Project 2010 (both editions, Standard and Professional) was the last version of the product that includes the text reports.


Some new task filters are now also available in MS Project Standard/Professional 2013 and later versions. These filters are interactive but they do not prompt for any information, since MS Project automatically feeds the required dates into these filters, calculated based on the current date entered (or coming from the system clock by default) in the Project Information dialog box; visit the Filters tab of the Organizer dialog box in order to see the new pre-defined task filters added to the product. Some built-in graphical reports display task data filtered by these advanced filters.



The Report Tab: Commands


In this section, we are going to explore the first part of the user interface of the graphical reports feature that enables us to communicate with MS Project until we open an existing or new report page. The Report tab on the ribbon contains all the commands to create or open the graphical reports.


There are three ribbon command groups under the Report tab: Project, View Reports and Export. The Project group contains only the Compare Projects button which opens the Compare Project Versions dialog box while the Export group contains only the Visual Reports button that opens the Visual Reports – Create Report dialog box.


Here are the details on the command buttons in the View Reports group:


  • The View Reports group contains command buttons representing built-in report categories, namely, Dashboards, Resources, Costs, In Progress and Getting Started; any built-in report available under a category can be accessed by selecting from the drop-down report list opened by clicking the associated category button. Here, we are going to categorize the built-in reports based on which report elements they contain and what kind of project data they visualize. The reports in the Getting Started tab of the Reports dialog box are like infographics with links, that connect them to help pages, views and/or other reports. You can jump to another view or report by clicking the links on these info-reports.


  • The Custom button in the View Reports group opens a drop-down menu listing the custom reports created in the active project plan file; we can select any report from the list to access it quickly. In a blank project plan file just opened, the drop-down menu contains only the More Reports… command which opens the associated dialog box when selected. Note that the active project plan’s pane in the Reports tab of the Organizer dialog box also lists the custom reports along with the built-in ones accessed before.


  • The drop-down menu of the Recent button in the View Reports group contains all the reports that have been accessed before, in the active project plan file. In a blank project plan file just opened, the drop-down menu of this button lists only the More Reports… command which opens the associated dialog box when selected.


  • The New Report button in the View Reports group opens another set of buttons which leads us through the first step of creating a report by choosing either opening a blank report page or starting off with a report page with some default elements on it such as a table, a chart or two charts for a comparison.


  • All the command buttons in the Report tab, except for the New Report button, contain the More Reports… command, as the last item on their drop-down menus, which opens the Reports dialog box. This dialog box contains all the command buttons in the View Reports group.


Customizing the Ribbon for the Report Tab Commands


MS Project allows us to customize the ribbon. Thus, we can simplify the graphical reports user interface, as explained step by step below (this is the LinkedIn Pulse version of the same content): 


  • Click the down arrow on the Quick Access Toolbar and select More Commands... from Customize Quick Access Toolbar menu displayed in order to navigate to the Quick Access Toolbar tab in the Project Options dialog box.


In the tab page, first select All Commands in the Choose commands from drop-down menu on the left section, then select the More Reports… command in the list box (review the list for the other commands associated with the graphical reports since you might want to use some of them too later on).


See it to verify that For all documents (default) has already been selected in the Customize Quick Access Toolbar drop-down menu on the right section since we want our customizations applied to all the active project plan files.


Click Add>> to add More Reports… to the list box on the right which contains the commands included in the Quick Access Toolbar. It will be added below the command selected on the list. Once added, you can move More Reports… up or down on the list to determine its position on the Quick Access Toolbar.


Repeat all the steps for both commands Compare Projects and Visual Reports.


  • Click OK to close the dialog box and verify that the changes have been applied to the Quick Access Toolbar as soon as MS Project returns to the project screen.  

  • Now click the arrow at the end of the Quick Access Toolbar and select Show Below the Ribbon.

  • Right click anywhere on the ribbon again, and this time, select Customize the Ribbon… on the shortcut menu opened in order to go to the Customize Ribbon tab in the Project Options dialog box.

  • Uncheck the checkbox of the Report tab in the list box on the right section.

  • Click OK to close the dialog box and verify that the Report tab is no longer visible on the ribbon as soon as MS Project returns to the project screen. 


That is how the resulting project screen looks like now:



As a result, from this point on in this page, the descriptions of the navigation steps will commence with “click the More Reports… button on the Quick Access Toolbar to open the Reports dialog box” or just “open the Reports dialog box”.


The order of the buttons on the Quick Access Toolbar will of course vary depending on how the user customizes MS Project’s user interface. Thus, based on our customization scenario, we can now open the Reports dialog box quickly by using the keyboard sequence <Alt> and <5>. There is no need to remember the shortcut sequence since MS Project displays the numbers below the command buttons as soon as the Alt key has been pressed; see below:



As an alternative, these three commands can be placed under a separate group in the Project tab, by following the steps described below:


  • In the Customize Ribbon tab of the Project Options dialog box, right-click on the Project tab’s checkbox in the Customize the Ribbon pane on the right.

  • Select Add New Group on the shortcut menu to insert a new group as the last item.

  • Right-click on New Group (Custom) and enter <Report> as the display name. 

  • Select All Commands in the Choose commands from drop-down list on the left pane.

  • Locate the three commands on the left pane and then add them to the custom command group named Report (Custom) on the right pane by clicking Add>> button. Remove the Add-ins group if you do not use it in order to shorten the Project tab.

  • Click OK to close the dialog box. The Project tab on the ribbon will now look like this:





  • Now pressing the key sequence <Alt>, <R> and <Y> on the keyboard will quickly open the Reports dialog box.


These simple customizations may reduce the overall navigation time, thus increase productivity, while working on project plans in MS Project.


In the Project Options dialog box, the Reset button in the Quick Access Toolbar tab allows us to undo either the toolbar customizations only or all the customizations. The command Reset only Quick Access Toolbar will be grayed out, if there exist no customizations. Similarly, the Reset button in the Customize Ribbon tab can be used to undo either the selected ribbon tab customizations only or all the customizations. If there are no customizations on the ribbon tab selected or on the entire ribbon at all, the command Reset only selected Ribbon tab will be grayed out.



Contextual Tabs: Report Tools, Chart Tools, Table Tools, Drawing Tools and Picture Tools


A contextual report tab appears as soon as you select an element in a report page (i.e., a picture, a drawing object, a table or a chart) and it contains all the commands that you may need while editing that element. While the ribbon shows the core tabs in the tab row all the time, the contextual tabs are hidden when they are not needed. In this section, we will explore the contextual report tabs.


Let us now type in the key sequence <Alt> and <5> on the keyboard to open the Reports dialog box. When it is opened, the Reports dialog box always shows the Custom tab, where we can see the custom reports previously created in the active project plan file. But we are going to select the New Report tab in the Reports dialog box displayed (note that we do not need to keep the <Alt> key pressed, hitting it once is enough to activate the numbers):



A new report page can be opened in MS Project by double-clicking one of the four buttons in the New Report tab (or clicking a button first to select it and then clicking Select). Instead of starting with a blank report page by selecting the Blank button, we can use one of the other three buttons, Chart, Table and Comparison, in order to start with a report page that contains one or two default elements, such as a chart, a table or two charts, respectively.


As soon as the selection process described above is complete, MS Project displays the Report Name dialog box; the Name box on it contains a default report name in the format <Report #>. The number (#) in the report name is automatically generated by MS Project by counting the default report names that have been previously used, starting from 1:



It is always better to enter a new descriptive name for the report instead of using the default one, and for example, you may include uppercase letters in the report name in order to easily distinguish it from the built-in ones.


Let us now explore the new report pages that MS Project creates with default elements and the associated contextual ribbon tabs that appears along with each report page:


  • The Blank button opens a blank report page with a title box (i.e., a text box) containing the report name. At this moment, the ribbon shows the contextual ribbon heading Report Tools and the contextual ribbon tab Design below it:


The Report Tools | Design tab is the main contextual tab that the ribbon always displays while the active view is a report view that shows a report page.  As soon as we click the title box to select it, the ribbon shows the contextual heading Drawing Tools with the Format tab, see below:


At the same time, MS Project sets the focus to the text inside the box and shows a blinking cursor over the title text to indicate the point starting from which we can enter text by typing in the box.

  • The Table button opens a report page with a title box containing the report name, and a task table containing the fields Name, Start, Finish and % Complete, at the project summary level, by default.

Since the table report opens with the table already selected by default, the contextual tabs associated with the table element automatically appear on the ribbon. So the ribbon now shows the contextual heading Table Tools with the two contextual tabs Design and Layout (i.e., a tab group) along with the main contextual tab, in the order they are demanded, to the right of the last core tab (i.e., View) in the tab row:


Note that the heading (or the label) Table Tools displayed in the application title bar spans all the associated contextual tabs in the tab group. 

  • The Chart button opens a report page with a title box containing the report name, and a task chart that shows the actual, remaining and current work values for all the active tasks at the outline level 1. This is a clustered column chart that plots the fields Actual Work, Remaining Work and Work against the names of the tasks by default. Since the chart report opens with the chart already selected by default, this time, the contextual tabs Design and Format with the heading Chart Tools appear on the ribbon next to the main contextual tab:





The Chart Tools contextual tab group contains all the command that we need to design our custom charts. After having inserted the default chart to the report page, we first need to select the field(s) and the category against which the custom chart plots the selected field(s)’ data, and then we can customize the appearance of the custom chart and the format of the information it presents. 


The Comparison button opens a report page with a title box containing the report name, and two task charts. The first chart shows the remaining and actual work values for all the active tasks at the outline level 1. This is a clustered bar chart that plots the fields Remaining Work and Actual Work against the names of the tasks by default. The second chart is the same as the chart that the report page opened by the Chart button contains by default. Note that the clustered bar chart displays hours on the x-axis, while the clustered column chart does it on the y-axis. Since the comparison report opens with the first chart already selected by default, the contextual tabs Design and Format with the heading Chart Tools appear on the ribbon next to the main contextual tab.

In the bulleted paragraphs above, we have explored the details of the report pages opened by using the four new-report buttons, as well as the contextual tabs associated with the default elements in these reports. We will now explore another contextual tab which is Picture Tools | Format:


  • Now open a blank report page and check the Timeline box on the View tab in order to have a combination view of the Timeline and Report views. Right-click on the blank space above the timeline and select Copy Timeline | For Presentation on the menu in order to capture a picture of the timeline in the clipboard. Next right-click on any blank point in the report page below and select Picture in Paste Options to copy the image of the timeline from the clipboard to the report page. At this point, as soon as you select the timeline picture just inserted, the contextual tab Format with the heading Picture Tools will appear on the ribbon with all the command that we need to format the picture:



We can insert the timeline picture to the graphical part of the Gantt Chart view too, but there, the ribbon does not display any contextual tabs to format the picture when selected.


Note -- The headings and commands may look slightly different among versions supporting the Graphical Reports feature --

This concludes our discussion on the user interface for now. Shortcuts and Panes will be discussed later.


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Let us now get started with discussing the burndown charts. As mentioned before, there will be no further discussions on the burndown charts other than this in future pages where we will be exploring all the other reports in the built-in graphical report set. As you may have already noticed, some report elements (i.e., charts and tables) are included in several built-in reports. Also, many report elements have the same field-list pane settings. We will later review all these common elements and settings in detail, which are related to the layout and the design of the default reports included in the built-in set (except for the burndown charts). 



Fields Referenced in Task Burndown Chart


The three number-type task-timephased fields, Remaining Tasks, BaselineX Remaining Tasks and Remaining Actual Tasks were added to MS Project along with the graphical reports feature, starting with the version 2013. The TASK BURNDOWN chart, which is the only report element that references these fields in various reports of the built-in set, shows these field’s data at the project summary level as line graphs, where the total numbers for the tasks on the vertical Y-axis are plotted against time periods on the horizontal X-axis. Therefore, before discussing how to interpret the TASK BURNDOWN chart, we first need to understand how MS Project calculates the number-of-tasks data that these fields hold at any summary level in any specified time period of a project’s timeline.


Note -- Search on the product website for the help page titled “Available fields reference”. This page lists all the fields available in MS Project and contains links to the other pages describing them in detail --


How Does MS Project Calculate Numbers at Task Level ?


Let us first explore how MS Project calculates these fields’ data at the task level, which are in turn used to calculate the summary level data. In the timescaled table part of the Task Usage view, set the period to days on the timescale (i.e., the lowest tier should display days), and then select and add any of the three fields to the details by using the Detail Styles dialog box.



Remaining Tasks field at the task level


The value of the Remaining Tasks field for a task in a project schedule (that is, a regular task at the outline level 1, below the project summary task, or a subtask of a summary task at any other outline level) is determined according to its finish date. The value in all periods prior to the task’s finish date is 1, while it is set to 0 in all the days on and after the task’s finish date.


In other words, on any given day, the Remaining Tasks field is set to 0 for a task if the task is scheduled to finish on or before that day. Let us see how it works in an example; the combination view in the picture below, which is composed of Task Usage on the top pane and Gantt Chart on the bottom pane, shows how 1s become 0s on the task finish dates (see the column for the 19th) in the Remaining Tasks field (Os in red colored-font means all zeroes to the right):




Day is a common timescale period preferred in most projects since the task durations are mostly estimated as days, but MS Project can display the field’s data at any period available, if selected, such as minutes and hours. On the other hand, do not get confused over the numbers in the remaining tasks rows when the timescale period is set to either minutes or hours, since the field will show 1s instead of 0s until 17:00 on the task’s finish date, if Standard is the project calendar.


The current status of a task (i.e., whether it is complete or not) does not affect its Remaining Tasks field’s values. But if its finish date changes, as we would expect it to occur in a dynamic schedule in both planning and implementation phases, the day where the zeros start will be adjusted accordingly.



            Remaining Actual Tasks field at the task level


As the term “actual” in the name of this field implies, its timephased values are affected by the task status. The value of the Remaining Actual Tasks field for a task in a project schedule is determined according to both its finish date and percentage of completion. The field is initially set to 1 in all the periods (or days) for an incomplete task, but it is set to all 0s on and after the task’s finish date, as soon as the task becomes 100 percent complete; see the task-timephased field for T2 below whose % Complete field shows 100%:



Note that the Remaining Actual Tasks field keeps 1s for T1 and T3 on and after the 19th since they are not complete.


As a result, unlike the Remaining Tasks field, the values in this field change based on the task’s status; the 1s in all periods on and after the task finish date will be automatically replaced with all 0s as soon as the task’s % Complete field’s value becomes 100%. In other words, the field is set to 0 on any day for a task whose actual finish date exists and it is earlier than or equal to that day; and otherwise, it is set to 1.



            BaselineX Remaining Tasks field at the task level


When a baseline is saved, the Remaining Tasks field’s data are copied into the field BaselineX Remaining Tasks where X represents the number of the baseline selected, 0 through 10 (0 means no X or the first baseline). In the example project, let us set the first baseline and then add the Baseline Remaining Tasks field to the details by using the Detail Styles dialog box in the timescaled table part of the Task Usage view. As it is seen on the resulting view below, the Baseline Remaining Tasks field shows the same values for the three tasks as the Remaining Tasks field after the first baseline was saved.



And finally, this is the view with all three fields added to the details:



As it is seen in the view above, the Remaining Tasks field always holds 1s before the task finish dates, and 0s on and after the task finish dates. The Remaining Actual Tasks field initially holds all 1s for a new task created, and then it becomes identical to the Remaining Tasks field as soon as the task has been completed, since it is also set to 0s on and after the finish date of a completed task (see the blue frame that shows T2’s remaining actual tasks data).



How Does MS Project Calculate Total Numbers at Summary Task Levels ?



In order to interpret the line graphs of these three fields in the charts of the various reports correctly, we need to know how their values are calculated for the summary tasks, and especially for the project summary task, which is the outline level selected in the project level task reports in a project plan. So, in this section, we will see how MS Project calculates the values of the fields, Remaining Tasks, BaselineX Remaining Tasks and Remaining Actual Tasks, in the summary rows.


Note -- In this section, some of the discussions, regarding how MS Project calculates the fields’ summary level values on the background, are based on the information presented in the related help pages of the product. Therefore, see the field description pages for all three fields on the product website --
How Does MS Project Calculate the Remaining Tasks Field’s Data at Summary Task Levels ?


Let us get started with a short schedule shown in the Task Usage view below. Suppose that T2 is scheduled to be completed on the 17th, which is its finish date, so its remaining tasks row shows 0 on and after the 17th.



The field’s value is 1 for all the other tasks in the column of the 17th, that is, T1, T3 and T4, all of which are obviously scheduled to finish at later dates. Note that the resource assignment row (R1) is blank since there exists only task‑timephased category of these three fields.


In order to find the number of remaining tasks on 17th  at the project summary level, MS Project counts all the tasks in the project plan and then subtracts the number of tasks that are scheduled to finish on or before that day (i.e., Finish <= 17th ) from the total count; the result of this calculation is 3 in this example (see the project summary row in the view above). Thus, the field’s value on a given day at the project summary level is the number of scheduled tasks that remain in the project on that day, regardless of their status. And, as a result, the field’s value at the project summary level corresponds to the total number of tasks in the project in any timescale period prior to the project start date (for example, in Day -1), and 0 on and after the last day of the project.


Likewise, in order to find the number of remaining tasks for any summary task on a given day (or in any other time period specified), MS Project counts all the subtasks below it and then subtracts the number of subtasks that are scheduled to finish on or before that day (or the period specified) from the total count. As a result, the number of remaining tasks for S1 and S2 on the 17th are 2 and 1, respectively. Thus, any summary row of the Remaining Tasks field shows the number of its scheduled subtasks that remain in the project on any given day.


Since, in the project summary row, the number of scheduled tasks that remain in a project decreases from the total number of the tasks at the beginning to zero tasks at the end of the project along the project duration, the line graph of the Remaining Tasks field will always have a negative slope (i.e., a decreasing trend) from left to right, as it is also seen in the example chart below, which plots the number of scheduled tasks that remain in the project (y-axis) against the successive time periods in the project’s timeline (x-axis), at the project summary level (the values on both of the axes and at the data points on the line graph are hidden to simplify the graph):





How the line graph’s steepness varies downward between the first and the last data points depends on how the tasks are distributed throughout the entire project. In the example chart above, the line graph’s uniform downward trend over time periods reveals that all the one-period-long tasks in the estimated schedule are distributed evenly over the example project’s duration. But initial layout of the tasks in an estimated schedule composed of tasks with dependencies and in various lengths might not be uniform. Also note that there may be flat parts on the line graph, if the tasks span multiple periods, and/or if there are periods with no tasks in the project.


A project’s schedule is dynamic, so is the Remaining Tasks field, and in turn, so is the chart which gets the timephased numbers from the field to plot its line graph. As MS Project automatically recalculates and updates the timephased totals at all summary task rows following any associated changes that occur in the project schedule, it at the same time automatically redraws the line graph on the chart of the graphical report accordingly, as elaborated below. Note that these changes may occur in any part of the project schedule in the planning phase and in the remaining future parts of the project schedule in the implementation phase:


  • Changes in tasks’ schedules may affect the distribution of the number of remaining tasks over days (or any other time period specified) at all summary task levels, as well as the finish date of the project, but the total number of tasks in the project remains unchanged. In other words, the values both in Day -1 (i.e., the total number) and on the last day (i.e., zero) remain unchanged, but how the timephased numbers are distributed in between them changes. MS Project automatically redraws the associated parts of the line graph on the chart accordingly. See the resulting chart on the right side below after tasks have been moved among the periods in the project; obviously, the tasks are no longer distributed evenly over the example project’s duration:



  • Adding tasks to and/or removing tasks from the project schedule may affect the total task number in the project, and the distribution of the number of remaining tasks over time at all summary task levels, as well as the finish date of the project. If such updates to the project schedule occur, MS Project automatically recalculates the timephased total values in all summary rows of the field in all the periods of the entire project and redraws the line graph accordingly; see the example below, where some tasks have been removed from the project:



In either scenario above, if the project’s finish date changes too, it may be required to manually force MS Project to recalculate the time periods on the x-axis, as follows: click Edit in the Select Category section of the Field List pane, empty both Start and Finish boxes in the Edit Timescale dialog box just opened, and close it. Then MS Project will automatically populate both blank date boxes with the new dates from the project schedule and redraw the chart with the new x-axis periods adjusted accordingly. Afterwards, you can open the dialog box again in order to check the new dates and/or to edit them if you need to make further adjustments such as displaying Day ‑1 on the x-axis by adjusting the date in the Start box.


How Does MS Project Calculate the Remaining Actual Tasks Field’s Data at the Summary Task Level ?


Going back to our previous example project, suppose that T2 has been completed on the 17th, as scheduled, on its finish date, so its remaining actual tasks row now shows 0 on and after the 17th, as it is seen in the column for 18th below:



The field’s value is 1 for the other tasks, T1, T3 and T4 on the 18th, since none of them are complete on that day or earlier. 


In order to find the number of remaining actual tasks on the 18th  at the project summary level, MS Project counts all the tasks in the project and then subtracts the number of tasks that have been finished on the 18th or earlier (see T2); the result is 3 in the project summary row as it is seen above. Thus, the field’s value on a given day at the project summary level is the number of tasks that remain to be completed in the project on that day.


To find the number of remaining actual tasks for any summary task, MS Project counts all its subtasks on the 18th and then subtracts the number of subtasks that have been finished on or before that day from the total count, so the total numbers for S1 and S2 on the 18th are 2 and 1, respectively. As a result, any summary row of the Remaining Actual Tasks field on a given day shows the number of subtasks that remain to be completed on that day.


When the project is still being planned or has just begun, that is, when there are no completed tasks in the project yet, the field’s initial value at the project summary level is the total number of the tasks in the entire project in any time period; or rephrasing in terms of the field’s name; the number of all the scheduled tasks that remain to be completed in the project. At that moment, the line graph of the Remaining Actual Tasks field will be horizontal at the total number of tasks in all periods, in a project summary level example chart such as below (see the blue line):



Changes in tasks’ schedules won’t affect the summary level totals in this field since the total number of tasks in the project remains unchanged, so the field’s blue horizontal line graph will stay at its current level. But if the tasks are added to and/or removed from the project, the total task number in all the timephased cells of the field in the project summary row will be recalculated accordingly, and as a result, the blue line graph of the Remaining Actual Tasks field plotted in the number of tasks-versus-time periods chart above will be adjusted to its new horizontal level corresponding to the new total number calculated.



How Does MS Project Calculate the BaselineX Remaining Tasks Field’s Data at the Summary Task Level ?


When a baseline is saved, the Remaining Tasks field’s data for any summary task, including the project summary task, are copied into the field BaselineX Remaining Tasks for that summary task.


Let us see how the field’s line graph looks like at the project summary level in an example chart. On the left, see the gray line graph for the Baseline Remaining Tasks field, which is a flat line at zero tasks since the corresponding baseline (the 0th baseline which is the first one out of a set of 11 baselines) has not been set yet. As soon as the baseline has been saved, the baseline remaining tasks line graph overlaps with the remaining tasks line graph since the task-timephased data in both fields become identical to each other at the project summary level; see the resulting chart on the right:




The orange line graph should be on the top of the gray one since we will be mostly working on it, but here, the field order is arranged so as to make the gray one visible in the front for demonstration purposes.


Below is a chart of a project that has not started yet, as it can be concluded from the horizontal blue line graph of the Remaining Actual Tasks field:



Comparing the gray line graph of the Baseline Remaining Tasks based on the original schedule with the orange one of the Remaining Tasks based on the current schedule tells us that tasks’ schedules have changed and the project’s finish date has been pushed back by one period, while the total number of tasks in the entire project remains unchanged. The variation in the steepness of the orange line graph reveals that the tasks are no longer distributed evenly over time in the project, as they were at the time of saving the baseline.


As it is seen above, changes in tasks’ schedules may affect the distribution of the number of remaining tasks over time at all summary task levels, as well as the finish date of the project, but such changes are not automatically reflected to the task-timephased data stored in the BaselineX Remaining Tasks field in the summary rows, unless it is explicitly updated through the Set Baseline dialog box. Therefore, this project will probably be re-baselined before the actual work begins, and that would result in a gray line graph overlapping with the orange line graph.


The BaselineX Remaining Tasks field is a calculated field. Therefore, unlike a calculated and entered type baseline field, such as the task-timephased BaselineX Work field, we cannot modify the values in the BaselineX Remaining Tasks field by manually editing the data, as the only way to update the data in this field is to do it via the Set Baseline dialog box.


As discussed before, it might be necessary to add tasks to and/or remove tasks from any part of the project schedule in the planning phase, and also from the remaining future part of the project schedule in the implementation phase. Such updates in a project schedule may change the total task number in the project, and/or the distribution of the number of remaining tasks over time at all summary task levels, as well as the finish date of the project. When such changes occur, how MS Project behaves regarding the BaselineX Remaining Tasks field’s data is explained below:


  • The baseline data of any task deleted (or inactivated) disappears from the project schedule, and MS Project recalculates and updates the numbers in the associated summary rows of the BaselineX Remaining Tasks field for these tasks that no longer exist in the project schedule accordingly, although the associated baseline has not been explicitly updated by using the Set Baseline dialog box. At that moment, in the same project schedule, if you check the summary level task-timephased data of the other baseline fields, such as BaselineX Remaining Work field, you will see that the values have not changed after the tasks were deleted (or inactivated).


  • The task-timephased baseline rows of the new tasks added to the project schedule will be initially blank. In order for them to be included in the task-timephased total numbers of the BaselineX Remaining Tasks field at the project summary level (or any related summary level), the baseline should be updated. Note that the chart plotting the baseline remaining tasks is not used to track the variances to the total number of tasks during the project’s execution, which usually happens as a result of changes in the scope. Following the update, the line graph of the BaselineX Remaining Tasks field coincides with that of the Remaining Tasks field in all periods.



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So far in this section, we have discussed how MS Project calculates the three fields’ task‑timephased data over time at the project summary level and updates them when the project schedule changes in the planning phase. Also we have explored how MS Project draws these fields’ line graphs in a chart and redraws them automatically as soon as the associated data in the fields change in the planning phase. Note that all the information presented here also applies to the fields in the implementation phase as the planning activities continue in the remaining future parts of the project during its execution. In the upcoming sections, we will discuss how these fields’ data and the charts plotting them look like in the implementation phase of a small project.




Fields Referenced in Work Burndown Chart



In the picture below, the boxes with yellow background contain the names of the five duration-type timephased fields that were added to the product along with the graphical reports feature:




The Work Burndown chart included in various built-in reports plots line graphs of the three new fields against time at the project summary level (see the gray box). Although the product help pages contain detailed descriptions for all the new fields, in this section we will look further into these three fields referenced in the Work Burndown chart.

Note -- In this section, some of the discussions, regarding how MS Project calculates the fields’ data at all levels on the background, are based on the information presented in the related help pages of the product. Therefore, see the field description pages for all the fields above on the product website (search for the title “Available fields reference) --

We cannot input values to these new fields (i.e., the field entry type “calculated”), so MS Project populates them with the values calculated from the data in the fields Work, Actual Work and Cumulative Work.


The new fields’ work data, calculated by MS Project in task-, resource- and assignment-timephased categories, are stored either as forward cumulative values in the fields, BaselineX Cumulative Work and Cumulative Actual Work, or backward (or reverse) cumulative values in the fields, Remaining Cumulative Work, BaselineX Remaining Cumulative Work and Remaining Cumulative Actual Work.


All these fields are dynamic except for baseline versions, since MS Project automatically recalculates the values in all the associated fields as the work, actual and remaining work field’s data change because of the updates and/or modifications done in the schedule during both the planning and execution phases of a project; for example, the actual work values collected while tracking the progress are entered to the schedule for the completed parts of the project, the remaining work values are re-estimated in the schedule for the uncompleted parts of the project while at the same time re-planning the future work if required, tasks (that is, work) may be added to and/or removed from the schedule to accommodate the changes in scope, and assignments may be modified as required by the resource management activities.


This is how MS Project calculates the work data stored in these fields in all categories, as also depicted by the arrows in the picture above:


  • The Cumulative Work field’s data, which show how the values in the Work field accumulate over time (i.e., forward cumulative), are calculated in any period by adding that period’s current work value to the cumulative work value of the previous period.

  • The Cumulative Actual Work field’s data, which show how the values in the Actual Work field accumulate over time (i.e., forward cumulative) as the project progresses, are calculated in any period by adding that period’s actual work value to the cumulative actual work value of the previous period.

  • The Remaining Cumulative Work field’s value in any period is calculated by subtracting that period’s cumulative work value from the total work value.

  • The Remaining Cumulative Actual Work field’s value in any period is calculated by subtracting that period’s cumulative actual work value from the total work value.

  • Both the Cumulative Work and Remaining Cumulative Work fields’ timephased data in all categories can be captured in the baselines, which are BaselineX Cumulative Work and BaselineX Remaining Cumulative Work, respectively, where X represents the baseline numbers, 0 through 10. The only way to update the data in the baselines is to do it via the Set Baseline dialog box.


The Task Usage view below demonstrates how the calculations are performed at various levels (i.e., project summary, task and resource assignment) in Day 2, as it works similarly at all levels (and categories) and in all periods:



The expressions below represent the calculations performed on the background:


Cumulative Work in Day 2 = Cumulative Work in Day 1 +  Work in Day 2


Remaining Cumulative Work in Day 2 = Total Work - Cumulative Work in Day 2


Cumulative Actual Work in Day 2 =

Cumulative Actual Work in Day 1 +  Actual Work in Day 2


Remaining Cumulative Actual Work in Day 2 =

Total Work - Cumulative Actual Work in Day 2


Note that the values of both fields Remaining Cumulative Work and Remaining Cumulative Actual Work, at any level, in and before Day -1 are equal to the total work value that the Work field holds at that level. Let us now explore how the line graphs of the three fields of a simple project plan look like at the project summary level in a work burndown chart; this is the chart before the project begins:



The Baseline Remaining Cumulative Work field’s line graph is flat at 0 hrs since the associated baseline has not been set yet. The Remaining Cumulative Actual Work field will be initially filled with the total project work value in all periods at the project summary level (i.e., when the project’s actual work is zero), and therefore, the line graph of the Remaining Cumulative Actual Work field is horizontal at the total work value.


The graph of Remaining Cumulative Work field being a straight line with a uniform downward trend from left to right reveals that the project’s scheduled work has been distributed uniformly over the project’s duration in the example project. But this may not be the case with the real-world projects composed of sequences of linked tasks of various durations. For example, in the initial chart of an eight-week project shown below, a steep drop in the amount of remaining cumulative work in the last two weeks indicates that much of the project’s work has been scheduled to be carried out toward the end of the project, as required by the structure of the project:



More work having to be done in relatively short durations toward the end of the project means that there would not be enough time to fix delays that might occur in these periods. The chart, based on the estimated schedule of the project that has not started yet, helps us to identify such periods, and thus, enable us to take actions early in the planning phase to prevent any potential problems that might cause delays in these periods; for example, you may now review the project plan again for the profiles of the resources already assigned to the tasks in these periods and then you may decide to replace them with more skilled and experienced resources. Also ensure that the tracking method to be implemented in these periods during the execution of the project enables you to monitor the progress detailed enough and at the proper level so that you get notified of any delays as soon as they occur in these periods, and thus, handle them quickly.


Let us go back to our example project plan, which has not started yet, and save the first baseline; see how the chart looks like now:



The Baseline Remaining Cumulative Work field’s graph is now behind the Remaining Cumulative Work field’s graph, since it holds a copy of the Remaining Cumulative Work field’s data.


Comparing the Remaining Cumulative Work field’s line graph with the line graph of the BaselineX Remaining Cumulative Work field, that was saved just before updating the project schedule, graphically shows us how the distribution of the scheduled work data over time has changed in the chart. If a variance to the project’s total scheduled work value occurs, it is easy to see this change in the chart at the project level by looking at the start of the line graphs in Day -1 where the remaining cumulative work graph’s data point moves above or below the baseline cumulative work graph’s data point depending on whether the variance is positive or negative. The data points at the end of the line graphs (see Day 4, the last day of the project) always remain at zero for both fields. Let us see how this happens by demonstrations.


We will now inactivate (or remove) a task to reduce the project work without changing the estimated finish date; this is the resulting chart:



The line graph of the baseline has remained unchanged while the other two graphs have been adjusted according to the new project work value which is now lower than before. Let us revert to the previous chart, but this time, add some work to the project, without changing the estimated finish date; then the chart looks like this:



The line graph of the baseline has again remained unchanged, but the other two graphs have been adjusted according to the new project work value which is now higher than before. And this is the resulting chart when we change the distribution of the scheduled work but keep both the total project work and the estimated finish date the same:




The remaining cumulative work’s line graph (i.e., the orange one) getting steeper in Day 3 and Day 4 than in Day 1 and Day 2 indicates that more work has now been scheduled to be completed in Day 3 and Day 4 than before. The chart clearly shows that some amount of the project work that was scheduled in both Day 1 and Day 2 has now been shifted toward the end of the project without creating any variance to the baseline in this particular project planning scenario since the lines start at a common data point in Day -1.


Let us go back to the Task Usage view of the example project that we have seen earlier in this section.



In that schedule, since there is no actual work entered after Day 2, which is the status date, the actual work cells are blank in all periods following that day. Therefore, both the cumulative actual work data and the remaining cumulative actual work data remain at the same value in all periods following Day 2. Therefore, the line graph of the Remaining Cumulative Actual Work field is horizontal (i.e., flat) after Day 2 in the chart below:



As soon as the actual work information (or any other progress information) have been entered to the project schedule for the periods where the work was completed as scheduled, the data points of the Remaining Cumulative Actual Work field in the line graph merge with the data points of the Remaining Cumulative Work field in the corresponding periods; see the data points in Day 1 and Day 2 in the chart and the cell values in the view below:   



The Remaining Work field that can be displayed in a task or resource table, which has no timephased category, should not be confused with the Remaining Cumulative Work field. The Remaining Work field holds the sum of the work values in the uncompleted parts of a project, and is equal to the difference between Work and Actual Work, thus it shows us how much work is left to be completed at task, resource, assignment and project levels, and also allow us to enter an estimated value for the amount of remaining work in a task or assignment.



In a project schedule properly updated with actuals at the end of a status date, both the Remaining Work field and the timephased cell value of the Remaining Cumulative Work field on the status date at the project summary level will show the amount of scheduled work left to be completed in the project as of the status date (see 4hrs in Day 2 in the chart and in the view above).


In the upcoming sections, we will create a custom work burndown chart plotting graphs of the three fields and explore how the chart draws their graphs in various scenarios taking place during the execution of a small example project.




Building a Custom Task Burndown Chart



The table below lists all the TASK BURNDOWN charts included in the various reports of the built-in set that can be accessed through the Report tab buttons or The Reports dialog box (i.e., Report | Custom > More Reports…):



Note that the task chart in the Milestone Report report of In Progress category does not include the BaselineX Remaining Tasks field.


When we open the Field List pane on any of the charts above, it shows all the fields included in the chart (see the field names listed below the Fields Selected column) as well as the common settings applied to all the charts, as follows:



Note - Before drawing any graphical reports, make sure that the project plan's outline is fully expanded --

Based on these common default settings, all the task burndown charts listed in the table plot the line graphs of the selected fields’ data stored in the task-timephased category against time at the project summary level for the entire project. That is, the total number of tasks on the vertical Y-axis are plotted against time periods on the horizontal X-axis.


In this section, we will build a custom task burndown chart in order to explore how both the status and the schedule updates in a project plan in the implementation phase are first reflected to the three fields’ data (i.e., Remaining Tasks, BaselineX Remaining Tasks and Remaining Actual Tasks) at the project summary level, and then in turn, to a chart which visualizes the same data at the outline level set to Project Summary in the report.


We will also discuss how to interpret the chart in order to determine the current status of the project in three known scheduling scenarios, and also in order to forecast how the team’s future progress would be trending toward zero remaining tasks based on their past performance. For this purpose, as explained in the following paragraphs, let us first create an example project and then a custom chart plotting the line graphs of the fields in that project.

Important Note -- In order to interpret the information presented by the TASK BURNDOWN chart, we first need to understand how MS Project calculates the number-of-tasks data that the three number-type task-timephased fields, Remaining Tasks, BaselineX Remaining Tasks and Remaining Actual Tasks hold at any summary level in any specified time period of a project’s timeline. It is recommended not to continue reading if you have skipped the previous section that covers all three fields in detail --

Suppose that we have a 24-task research project and it has been estimated that a team of scientists with similar skills, knowledge and experience, which are full-time available, would complete the project in six days, where each day’s task list contains four one-day long tasks (or operations); and all these high-tech tasks require the same amount of mental/physical effort. The picture below shows the stack of manually scheduled tasks in the Team Planner view, while daily list of tasks with no dependencies are still being arranged and assigned to the resources by drag-and-drop scheduling: 





This is the final layout that shows all 24 fixed-length tasks, distributed evenly over the project’s duration, and assigned to the project team:




In the following combination view of the example project, the lower pane contains the Task Usage view while the upper pane shows the three fields’ line graphs in the chart, just before the 24-task six-day demo project has started:




The chart plots the number of tasks in the primary vertical axis (currently hidden) against time periods as days in the primary horizontal axis, where the orange line graph trending downward from left to right represents the Remaining Tasks field, and where the horizontal yellow line graph at the bottom with all 0s represents the Baseline Remaining Tasks field which contains no data yet, and finally where the horizontal blue line graph at the top exhibits the Remaining Actual Tasks field which is filled with the total number of tasks in the project in all periods (i.e., days), which is 24 at this moment, since the project has not started yet. In this demonstration, there won’t be any part of the line graphs going flat because of non-working days since the project calendar is the modified Standard base calendar with seven workdays a week.


Also see the red-colored and dashed secondary vertical and horizontal axes inserted to the chart; we will use them as a visual aid in order to mark the status date (i.e., the end of the status period) and the number of remaining actual tasks on the status date. For example, if the status period is Day 5 and the number of remaining actual tasks is 8, we will manually adjust the horizontal red line such that vertical axis crosses it at category number 7 (including Day -1); that is, the start of Day 6 (i.e., the current period); and similarly, we will manually adjust the vertical red line such that horizontal axis crosses it at the axis value 8.



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Suppose that we have now completed planning the project and have just set a baseline before the project starts. This is how the Task Usage view’s timephased table looks like in the project plan file after having set the first baseline for the first time, and how the chart in the report page shows the line graphs of the three fields at the project summary level:




The Remaining Tasks field’s orange line graph plots the number of scheduled tasks that remain in the project against the days. The Remaining Tasks field’s data has already been copied to the Baseline Remaining Tasks field, therefore, the baseline graph (yellow line) overlaps with, and is now behind the remaining tasks graph (orange line). Note that the default order of the field names in the legend from top to bottom is the same as the order of the line graphs from back to front in the chart and both are determined by the order of the fields in the Field List pane from top to bottom.


We will now explore how the chart plots the fields’ line graphs during the project execution, in three scheduling scenarios that take place while tracking the team’s progress in terms of the number of remaining tasks; that is, team’s progress being on schedule, ahead of the schedule and behind the schedule.




Scenario 1/3: Project on Track



According to our scenario, the example project has now started and the status updates will be done at the end of each day, as it was decided in the planning phase. The project is now being underway, suppose that, it has been reported that 20 tasks have actually remained to be completed in the project at the end of Day 1 (i.e., the status period). That is, all the scheduled tasks of that period (that is, 4 tasks = 24 – 20) were completed, which means that the project is on track with the estimated schedule. We will first see how the chart plots the line graphs of the fields for a project which is on schedule at the end of a status period.




As it is seen in Day 1’s column in the table, the Remaining Actual Tasks field shows the same total number (i.e., 20) as the Remaining Tasks field at the project summary level after the project schedule’s status has just been updated by entering 100 to the % Complete field for all four tasks of the status period. Therefore, as it is seen in the chart of the updated project schedule, the remaining actual tasks’ blue line graph merges with both the orange line graph of the remaining tasks and the yellow line graph of the baseline remaining tasks at the data point corresponding to 20 tasks at the end of the status period. The blue line graph stays horizontal at the current number of remaining actual tasks (i.e., 20) in all the future periods.


As demonstrated above, although comparing the status period’s numbers displayed in the task-timephased rows of the fields in the Task Usage view shows the project’s status after it has just been updated according to the actual number of tasks reported by the team (that is, entering 100 to the % Complete field for these tasks), it is a lot easier to see the current status on the chart since it visualizes the difference in the data as the vertical difference in the levels of the data points on the line graphs of the fields in the status period.


· · ·


In the previous paragraphs, we have already updated the project schedule’s status. We may also need to update the project schedule by re-arranging the layout of the tasks at the end of a status period. We will now see how such changes are reflected to the line graphs of the fields in the chart.


Suppose that, at the end of the status meeting, it has been decided to update the project schedule as well, by shifting the work to be performed on the two tasks from Day 2 to the last day of the project. We can do it by either removing the existing two tasks from Day 2’s task list and then adding them to Day 6’s task list or moving them directly by drag-and-drop scheduling. But the results would be different as we will discuss how below:


  • Removing the existing two tasks from Day 2’s task list and then adding them to Day 6’s task list:

The charts below shows the resulting line graphs:



At this point, there are now 24 tasks in the project as there was at the beginning, but the existing Baseline Remaining Tasks field which starts at 22 tasks do not represent the current total number and distribution of the remaining tasks in the re-estimated project schedule, because of the blank timephased rows of the Baseline Remaining Tasks field for the two tasks added to the project schedule.

  • Moving tasks from Day 2 to Day 6 by drag-and-drop scheduling

The chart below shows that if the tasks were moved, instead of deleting and then adding them, the distribution of the numbers over time in between Day 2’s data point and the last data point would change in the Remaining Tasks field’s line graph without affecting the Baseline Remaining Tasks field’s line graph:



In the chart above, comparing the Baseline Remaining Tasks field’s line graph with that of the Remaining Tasks field shows us the changes that have occurred on the distribution of the number of remaining tasks over periods, which would otherwise be difficult to see by reviewing the task-timephased numbers in the Task Usage view.

In either method above, unless the baseline has been updated through the Set Baseline dialog box after the layout of the tasks was re-arranged, the baseline remaining tasks’ line graph cannot be compared with the remaining tasks’ line graph if changes in the distribution of the number of remaining tasks occur in the future status periods. This is the resulting chart that plots the line graphs of the three fields after the project’s status, schedule (by using either method), and baseline, all have been updated:



Now the numbers in the Baseline Remaining Tasks field is the same as those in the Remaining Tasks field on the timephased table. We can now focus on the tasks of the next period in the project.




Scenario 2/3: Project Ahead of Schedule



Imagine a status period, where the project team has actually completed more tasks than scheduled by performing work on some future tasks; in other words, the project has progressed ahead of the schedule, and therefore, there are less tasks remaining at the end of the status period than you had originally scheduled. In order for the project schedule to reflect the current project status as it has been reported by the team, it should be updated by a two-step process; firstly, moving those tasks from future period to the status period, and then secondly, entering 100% for their percentage of completion since there cannot be tasks completed in future. The two charts below depict the two-step update process, as also explained in detail below:


  • Firstly, the project schedule has been updated by moving three tasks from Day 3 to Day 2 which is the status period, and therefore, the number of scheduled tasks that remain in the project is reduced from 18 to 15 at the data point of the orange line graph, as it is seen below:



The section of the orange line graph of the remaining tasks from Day 1 to Day 2 has now become much steeper than that of the yellow line graph of the baseline remaining tasks, since the number of scheduled tasks that is re-estimated to remain at the end of the status period (i.e., 15) is less than that of the baseline schedule (i.e., 18).


By looking at the data point of the baseline graph in the status period, we can see what the number of remaining tasks originally was in that period, as it is seen in the enlarged view below extracted from the chart after having completed the first step of the update process in this status period:



Since we should re-baseline the project at the end of the update process, the baseline graph will no longer show what the number of remaining tasks originally was in that period. But we rather focus on the number of scheduled tasks that have actually remained to be completed in the project at the end of a status period as it relates to whether the team could be able to reach zero tasks on the estimated finish date, therefore, we may decide not to include the baseline graph in the chart, although the baselines should, in any case, be maintained in order to track variances to the other data during the course of, not this example project, but the real-life projects.

  • Secondly, the project schedule’s status has been updated by entering 100 to the % Complete field for all the tasks of this period, including the ones just added  (that is, 5 tasks in total = 20 – 15):




As the chart above shows, the Remaining Actual Tasks field’s graph has now merged with the Remaining Tasks field’s graph at the data point 15, which is the number of scheduled tasks that have actually remained in the project at the end of the status period.

This is the chart of the final schedule at the end of Day 2 after the baseline has been updated as well:




More tasks have been completed in this period than it was originally planned scheduled, and as a result, there are now 15 tasks left to be completed in the project at the end of the status period.


Note -- The graphical reports differ from the text reports of earlier versions and the visual reports in that all the elements in a report page are automatically updated as soon as the associated project data change. In other words, they are dynamic, therefore you do not need to generate the report again when the project data it displays change. As an example, just follow the steps in either method described below, in order to see a live version of how the graph changes while updating the project schedule:


Method 1: Using a Combination View

  • In the active task view, check the Details box in the Split View group on the View tab and select Gantt Chart from the dropdown, in order to open a combination view with the Gantt Chart view on the bottom pane. 

  • Open the custom burndown report that we have been developing by using the Reports dialog box; MS Project will display the report on the top pane, while the Gantt Chart view is on the bottom pane. Note that MS Project always opens the report views on the top pane (like the timelines), even when the focus has been currently set to the bottom pane.

  • Now set the details view (i.e., the bottom pane) to the Team Planner. Right-click on Day 3’s task and then MS Project will redraw the remaining actual tasks graph in the report on the top pane as soon as you have selected 100% button on the shortcut menu displayed.

Method 2: Opening a new view window to update the schedule

  • While the active view is the report view, click <Shift+F11> on the keyboard to open a new window; MS Project opens a new window with the default view, which is Gantt with Timeline.

  • Double-click the horizontal view separator bar, when the cursor changes to this over the separator, to close the Timeline view (you can also use the menu commands – View | uncheck [ ] Timeline); and then right-click the vertical active view bar and select the Team Planner on the shortcut menu displayed.

  • When the active view is the Team Planner view, click the Restore Down button in the upper-right hand corner of the Team Planner window (); then move and resize the restored-down window to a manageable size smaller than the full screen so that you can see the report view behind it. That would be resulting screen:



  • Now right-click on Day 3’s task and select 100% button on the shortcut menu displayed. As soon as you have completed the entry, you will see that the blue line graph’s data point lowers from 15 to 14 on the chart behind. Click the Maximize button in the upper-right hand corner of the restored-down Team Planner window () if you want to continue to work on the tasks in the full screen.

While a view’s window is in fullscreen, you can switch to the other views’ windows open in the background by using either MS Project’s Taskbar button or the Switch Windows button in the Window group of the View tab. Title bar of each restored-down window shows a label in the format filename number. MS Project’s title bar shows the same title as the window in the full screen at the moment. When all the views are in restored-down windows, MS Project’s title bar shows the product name. MS Project’s filename-number convention helps us while navigating from one window to another. While working with multiple windows, the Arrange All button in the Window group of the View tab shows all the windows at once by arranging them horizontally --



Scenario 3/3: Project Behind Schedule



Now let us see how the chart would look like when some of the scheduled tasks in a status period were not completed. Day 3’s task was completed as scheduled. As the chart below displays at the data point of the line graph for the Remaining Tasks field, 10 scheduled tasks should have remained in the project at the end of Day 4 (i.e., the status period):



But the team now reports that the number of remaining actual tasks is 12, instead of 10, at the end of Day 4. At this point, we know that the project is behind the schedule since 12 tasks have actually remained, instead of 10. In other words, the team should have completed four scheduled tasks in this period (4 tasks = 14  - 10), but they were able to complete only two of them. We are now going to update the project schedule with the status information reported (i.e., entering 100 to the % Complete field for the two tasks) and then see how the chart shows the current status of project as being behind the schedule. The chart below shows the current status of a project, whose schedule has just been updated with the actuals collected during the status period:



The chart demonstrates a common scenario that occurs when there are still some incomplete tasks at the end of the day on the status date. Therefore, at the end of Day 4, the Remaining Actual Tasks field’s line graph does not overlap with the Remaining Tasks field’s line graph. In other words, they do not merge at a common data point since incomplete tasks exist in the project at the end of the status period. By looking at the number of tasks (the y-axis values) displayed at the data points of the line graphs in the status period, we can clearly see that there are more remaining actual tasks (see the blue data label 12) than the remaining scheduled tasks in the current schedule (see the orange data label 10). The Remaining Actual Tasks field’s horizontal part would have started at 10, instead of 12, if all the scheduled tasks in the last period were finished.



If there were no data labels, we could have easily concluded that the team’s progress was behind the schedule in the status period, by simply looking at how the Remaining Actual Tasks field’s blue line graph is trending toward the data point, which is being less steep than that of the Remaining Tasks field’s line graph in the last period. But note that this view is temporary since the project schedule must also be updated, as will be discussed below, for the two uncompleted tasks of this period.


As mentioned above, a schedule status update which results in the number of remaining actual tasks being greater than the number of remaining tasks at the end of a status period usually requires further update in the project schedule, such as re-planning re-scheduling the future work. According to our scenario, at the end of the status meeting, it has been decided to move the two incomplete tasks (2 = 12 - 10), or to split the uncompleted parts of these tasks to the next day or further ahead in the project schedule (Team Planner view can be used to do drag-and-drop moving/splitting of tasks with the percentage of completion less than 100%). Here, the total number of tasks in the project remains unchanged, while the distribution of the number of scheduled tasks remaining over time changes in the future periods. And MS Project redraws the Remaining Tasks field’s line graph in the chart based on the new distribution of the numbers. This is how the resulting chart looks like when the remaining two tasks of the status period have been moved to the next day in the project; in other words, the chart after both the status and the schedule of the project have been updated at the end of the status period:



The line graphs of both the Remaining Tasks and Remaining Actual Tasks fields have now merged at a common data point in the period of the x-axis on the chart corresponding to Day 4; this time the orange line has merged with the blue one, at 12; thus, the data point of the blue line graph stays where it was. As a result, how the team’s progress was in that past period (i.e., Day 4) can no longer be determined by visually comparing both data points.



· · ·



As soon as we re-baseline the project, the baseline remaining tasks graph will overlap with the remaining tasks graph. Before doing that, we can see how the project schedule was updated in that previous period by comparing the numbers of both fields in the timephased table or their data points in the chart, or by visually comparing the steepness of the remaining tasks graph with that of the baseline remaining tasks graph in the chart, as elaborated below:


  • Day 5 is the current period now, so the chart shows the status of the project as of Day 4 which is the previous period. The data point of the Baseline Remaining Tasks field’s line graph in Day 4 is at 10. The number of baseline remaining tasks being less than the current number of remaining tasks tells us that the number of scheduled tasks in the previous period was reduced by 2, but the number of tasks in the project has remained unchanged as it is obvious from the baseline’s data point in Day -1 which is still at 24. The difference in the numbers can also be seen in the timephased table below:



  • Having just compared the numbers within the previous period, let us now compare the numbers of the previous period with those of the current period, in the timephased table below:  


Comparing the numbers in Day 4 and Day 5 shows that moving the two incomplete tasks from Day 4 to Day 5 has changed the project schedule so that the orange line now becomes more steep downward to Day 5 than the baseline’s yellow line, since there are now more scheduled tasks to be completed in the current period (i.e., Day 5) than there were before the modification.

Let us re-baseline the project now. Having completed all the updates in the project schedule at the end of the status period, this is how the resulting chart looks like:



At this point, the chart shows us the number of scheduled tasks that have remained to be completed in the project as of the last status period, and how the number of remaining tasks are distributed over the future periods. It also shows how the estimated progress would be trending toward zero tasks through the future periods; thus, the remaining tasks’ line graph declining from Day 4 to Day 6 more steeply than before indicates that the team might not be able to reach zero tasks on the estimated finish date since there are now more scheduled tasks to be completed than it was initially estimated (see below).





Adding a Trendline to the Chart



Let us go back to the initial chart with the line graphs of the two fields when the project has not started yet. At that time, since the tasks in the example project were evenly distributed over time in the estimated schedule, the Remaining Tasks field’s line graph was a straight line with a uniform downward steepness from left to right. And therefore, the ratio of the vertical change on the y-axis to the horizontal change on the x-axis (also referred to as ratio of fall to run) was the same between any two successive data points on the line graph. This ratio is the slope (or the gradient) of the orange line of the remaining tasks, as it is shown below:



The magnitude of the absolute slope value indicates how steep the line is. Thus, in a period, the larger the slope of the line gets, the steeper the line becomes, the more the number of remaining tasks decreases in that period. Consider the two successive data points on the remaining tasks’ line graph below (see the information manually added to the chart below by inserting shapes, such as text boxes, lines and basic shapes), which are designated by their x- and y-coordinates (i.e., a day number from the x-axis and the corresponding number of remaining tasks from the y-axis); that is, (2, 16) and (3, 12).



The vertical change between these two data points is -4 (=12-16), while the horizontal change between the same two data points is one day (=3-2), or simply one time period, as shown in the chart. Thus, the ratio being equal to -4 (=-4 / 1), the line falls from left to right with a negative uniform slope of -4. In other words, the line graph represents four-task decrease per period. Since we already have the slope value now, we can write the ratio between, say, Day 2’s data point (2, 16) and any data point with coordinates (x, y) on the line graph, as follows:


-4 = ( y – 16 ) / ( x – 2 )


The equation above can be written as y = -4x + 24, where 24 is the y-intercept of the line graph at which the remaining tasks’ line graph crosses the y-axis; that is, the total number of tasks in the project in Day 0 (i.e., the data point (0, 24)).


This linear equation of the line in the form of slope-intercept can be used to calculate (i.e., interpolate) any data point on the remaining tasks’ line graph plotted by using the existing data from the estimated schedule. For example, just to see how it works, let us find the time period, or day on which the team is estimated to reach zero tasks (i.e., x-intercept), which is already known, as follows: substitute 0 for y in the equation above, as in 0 = -4x + 24 and then solve it for x as in x = -24 / -4 = 6. The result is the sixth period, or Day 6 as it is seen in the chart (i.e., the data point (6, 0)).


Although there would be no useful purpose in adding a trendline to a complete line graph plotting the estimated data, it may prove to be useful in exploring how the trendline feature works, so let us now add a linear trendline (also referred to as line of best fit) to the chart, based on the same data series used to plot the remaining tasks’ line graph, as follows:


  • Select the chart and click the plus (“+”) button on the top right side of the chart to open the CHART ELEMENTS menu.

On the menu, click Trendline, select Remaining Tasks on the Add Trendline dialog box displayed, click OK to close the dialog box. This action will by default add a linear trendline to the remaining tasks’ line graph.


Next time you open the CHART ELEMENTS menu, you will see that the Trendline checkbox has already been selected. At that time, you can click it again to deselect the checkbox (i.e., to remove the trendline) or click the right arrow for the other options.

  • Next, right-click the trendline that has been just added to the chart and select Format Trendline on the menu displayed to open the Format Trendline pane. Note that there are no labels on the tabs of the pane, but MS Project shows a label screentip when you hover the mouse pointer over the tab’s icon.  

On the Fill & Line tab, change the Dash type and Color so as to make the trendline easy to see on top of the remaining tasks’ line graph.


On the Trendline Options tab, turn on the associated checkboxes to display the equation and r-squared value of the trendline on the chart.


This is the resulting chart with the trendline:


As getting into the details on how the calculations are performed on the background is out of scope of this discussion, it suffices to say that the chart uses the least-squares regression method to draw the linear trendline that fits best through the data points of the remaining tasks’ line graph. As it is seen above, it overlaps with the remaining tasks’ line graph, in other words, it passes through all the data points of the remaining tasks’ line graph, since they are all aligned with each other on a line of uniform negative slope. Therefore, as we would expect, the trendline has the same linear equation as the one that we have already derived manually for the remaining tasks’ line graph in the previous paragraphs. Thus, the trendline’s equation can be used to predict (i.e., interpolate) the number of remaining tasks at any period, which is not available in the existing data series; for example, the number of remaining tasks in the 4.5th period would be 6 (= -4 * (4.5) + 24).


Although we can easily see a perfect fit of the trendline to the data points visually on the chart in this demonstration, we need to check the trendline’s r-squared value (also referred to as the coefficient of determination), which is a value between 0 and 1, both inclusive, in order to determine how well the trendline fits the data points. The closer the r‑squared value is to 1, the better the trendline fits the data points, the more reliable the trendline becomes. Since here, as we would expect, the r-squared value is 1, we can conclude that the trendline is reliable, and therefore, the relationship between the number of remaining tasks and the project time spent can be explained by the linear regression model represented by the trendline, and thus, by the linear equation y = ‑4x + 24. On the other hand, if the r‑squared value is 0, it would simply indicate that the data points do not fit a linear model.


In the next section, we will discuss how to use the trendline feature in order to forecast the progress (or the number of remaining actual tasks) in the future periods, during the project’s execution.




Forecasting Progress by Using a Trendline



In the example project, the remaining tasks’ line graph with a uniform slope of -4 were representing an ideal daily progress according to the estimated project plan, which has been initially developed based on the expectation that the team would be able to maintain a steady pace of completing four-tasks per period throughout the project. Because of re-estimations and updates to the schedule as the project progresses, the Remaining Tasks field’s numbers have changed, so its line graph based on the re-estimated schedule has a larger negative slope now in the future periods than before. It had been initially estimated that eight scheduled tasks (i.e., the number of remaining tasks) should have remained at the end of the fourth period (i.e., Day 4), but 12 tasks (i.e., the number of remaining actual tasks) have actually remained at the end of Day 4.



The team is now expected to complete the remaining 12 tasks in Day 5 and Day 6, according to the remaining tasks’ line graph based on the re-estimated schedule, as it is seen on the second chart above.


Now getting back to where we left off with the example project, suppose that the team has already started off working on the tasks of the current period, Day 5. As the project is getting closer to Day 6, which was estimated to be the last period, we are now going to add a trendline to the Remaining Actual Tasks field’s line graph and extend it forward into the future in order to forecast the team’s progress in future periods so as to see when the team might be able to reach zero tasks. So the steps below describes how to create a copy of the chart firstly and then to add a trendline (just in case, create a backup copy of the original project plan file before starting):

Creating a Copy of the Chart

  • It is best to keep the original chart as it was, so create a copy of it to work on in the same report page. Thus, you can simply delete the new chart, instead of undoing all the steps, when you want to revert to the original chart.

To copy the chart; click the chart to select it and begin dragging it slightly, and at that moment, press and hold <Ctrl> (also press and hold <Shift> at the same time, if you want to align the copy to the original chart horizontally or vertically, depending on the direction of dragging). The cursor with a plus sign and a ghost image of the copy will guide you throughout the process until you position and drop the copy of the chart to a location that you want in the report page.


Here are the other two methods to create a copy of the chart:


Right-click the chart, select Copy on the shortcut-menu opened, and right‑click again to display the menu and select Paste to create a copy. Then position the copy anywhere you want in the report page by drag‑and‑dropping it.


Right-click and at the same time drag the ghost image of the chart displayed  to the location you want and drop it; select Copy on the small menu displayed (see below):


Now you can work on the copy just created. It is also possible to work on a copy of the project plan file (i.e., the mpp file) but we want to keep the original chart at sight in order to make a visual comparison. All the steps from that point on will be performed on the copy of the chart in the same report page.


Adding a Linear Trendline

  • We need to exclude the data points of Day 5 and Day 6 from the line graph of the remaining actual tasks (horizontal part of the line graph in the future periods), since no work has been done on these days yet.

In the Field List pane, click Edit in Select Category section to edit the time range for the x-axis; add one day to the start date to exclude Day -1, and subtract two days from the finish date to exclude the last two days. These settings will be applied to all the line graphs on the chart. 

While in the pane, since we no longer need it, remove the Baseline Remaining Tasks field from the chart by right-clicking it and selecting Remove Field on the menu opened in the Select Fields section.

  • Add a trendline to the Remaining Actual Tasks field’s line graph, and display both the equation and the r-squared value of the trendline on the chart, by following the steps explained before.


This would be the resulting chart:


The chart draws a linear trendline that fits the existing data points of the remaining actual tasks’ line graph and displays its equation in the linear slope-intercept form as y=-2.5x + 21.5. Thus, the trendline simply indicates that if the team continues to work at their current pace, they might reach zero tasks within Day 9, since the trendline intercepts the time axis at 8.6 (=21.5/2.5, if y = 0). In other words, the trendline calculates by extrapolating that the team might need 2.6 days (= 8.6 – 6) more than estimated in order to reach zero tasks.


Time axis on the chart now shows 4 periods since its range has been limited by the time category settings, so extending the forecast period of the trendline by entering 4.6 as the period value (=8.6-4) to the Forward box in the Format Trendline pane enables us to see where the trendline intercepts the x‑axis; the coordinate of the intercept point is (8.6, 0) in Day 9; or zero tasks on the 8.6th period; see below:



In this example, the linear trendline’s r-squared value is calculated to be 0.8993 since we have adjusted the actual data points in order to demonstrate a fluctuating progress. If the alignment of the data points of the remaining actual tasks had been adjusted so as to resemble a line, the resulting trendline would fit the actual data points well, and its r‑squared value would be much closer to 1 than 0.8993. As mentioned before, the larger the r-squared value, the better the team’s past progress fits the linear model represented by the trendline, thus the more reliable the trendline becomes.


Although, in a real-life project, a trendline with the r-squared value of 0.8993 might be considered a reliable one, depending on the actual scenario behind the numbers, it obviously indicates that the project time spent was not the only variable that has determined how the number of remaining actual tasks has decreased over time so far.


Let us discuss some scenarios after having added trendline. Suppose that you, as the project manager, do not consider the forecast result reliable, and you believe that the trendline would have been steeper than the current one, if some unexpected events occurred in the previous periods had not affected the team’s performance adversely. And also having considered some other qualitative factors which had slowed the team’s progress down in the previous periods, you may predict that the actual progress of the team in the next two periods would be better than the trendline’s forecast since such events might not occur again and these factors no longer exist in the project environment; in other words, you think the team would succeed to reach zero tasks on the estimated finish date, despite the forecast on the chart, so there is no need to take any corrective/preventive actions at the moment.


As an alternative scenario, having already got the forecast from the chart, you, as the project manager, may consider revising the date on which the progress was estimated to reach zero tasks (for example, push it back one day), and at the same time, taking some actions for speeding progress, for example, adding resources to the project, in order to ensure that the remaining 12 tasks would be completed as scheduled.


Also in a similar real-life project, the number of remaining actual tasks would not decrease linearly as the project duration consumed by the team increases during the project’s execution, since the team’s actual progress would most likely fluctuate because of various factors that might affect the team’s work and performance. Even if the team manages to work at a steady rate such that the actual data points resemble a line for the past periods, regardless of how reliable the trendline seems to be (or regardless of how well the actual data points fit the linear model), it would be unrealistic to make decisions based on the future progress of the team predicted by using the forecast information derived from a line of best fit (or another model available to choose from the options). It is a statistical tool as its results do not account for team dynamics and qualitative factors that would affect the team’s actual progress in future. On the other hand, a linear trendline may serve as a motivational tool in status meetings of similar small projects where teams are required to maintain a steady pace in completing the tasks throughout the projects.

Note -- Here, the content on using the trendlines has been provided only for demonstrating the feature, as a discussion on selection and implementation of forecasting methods or regression models is out of scope of this content --


Forecasting Progress by Using a Trendline - Using Visual Reports


Visual Reports feature can be used to generate a chart that plots line graphs of both fields, the Remaining Tasks and the Remaining Actual Tasks, against time, and then a trendline added to the Remaining Actual Tasks field’s line graph can be used to forecast whether or not the team might reach zero tasks on the estimated finish date based on their past performance as of status period. So, follow the steps below to first create an MS Excel template for this purpose:


  • Open the example project plan file, updated as of Day 4.

  • Click Visual Reports on the Report tab to open the dialog box Visual Reports - Create Report; here, select <Days> for Select level of usage data to include in the report, then click New Template which will open a dialog box for the new template.

  • In the Visual Reports - New Template dialog box, choose Excel as the application and Task Usage as the data type and click Field Picker which will open a dialog box.

  • In the dialog box Visual Reports - Field Picker, click Remove All to remove all the fields currently selected in the Selected Fields box.  

  • In the Available Fields box, select the fields Remaining Tasks and Remaining Actual Tasks field and click Add to insert them into the Selected Fields box.

  • Click OK to close this dialog box and then click OK again to close the Visual Reports - New Template dialog box.


MS Project will now start to create the MS Excel template. MS Excel will open a workbook with a sheet containing a pivot table as soon as MS Project completes generating the template.


  • In MS Excel sheet, to hide the row and column totals that we do not need, right-click the pivot table and select PivotTable Options; uncheck both boxes in the Grand Totals section of the Totals & Filters tab and click OK to close the dialog box.

  • Next, arrange the fields in the PivotTable Fields pane and insert a chart plotting line graphs of both fields, and then add a trendline displaying equation to the Remaining Actual Tasks field’s line graph (right-click the line graph, select Add Trendline on the menu displayed, and check the box Display Equation on chart in Format Trendline pane).


The resulting PivotTable and PivotChart for the example project will look like this:




  • Rename the sheet as <Task Usage> and right-click the chart and move it to a new sheet by selecting Move Chart on the menu; change Chart1 to <Remaining Tasks> in the dialog box and click OK.

  • Now save this workbook as a template with any name you want, for example, <Forecast_Zero_Tasks>, to any directory (or to the default templates directory), in order to use it later in other projects. Clear the data before saving the template. Close and exit MS Excel.


Now open the new template through Visual Reports, modify it and continue to work in the example project, as follows:


  • The Visual Reports - Create Report dialog box should be still open in MS Project. Now check the box Include report templates from and click Modify to select the templates directory that contains <Forecast_Zero_Tasks>. Click OK to close the Modify Location dialog box.

  • Select the template <Forecast_Zero_Tasks> that has already been included in the Task Usage tab of the Visual Reports - Create Report dialog box, select <Days> for Select level of usage data to include in the report and click View.

  • MS Project will now create a report based on the template with the name Forecast_Zero_Tasks1.

  • We need to modify the data series used to plot the Remaining Actual Tasks field’s line graph for excluding the values of both Day 5 and Day 6, otherwise the trendline won’t be accurate, since we do not have actual numbers for these days yet. For this purpose, we need to unlink the chart from the pivot table by copying it. Right-click the chart, select Copy on the menu opened, paste it into a blank workbook.

  • Close the template Forecast_Zero_Tasks1 since we no longer need it.

  • In the new workbook, click the Remaining Actual Tasks field’s line graph on the chart and remove the last two data (i.e., 12 and 12) from the data series displayed in Formula Bar. Also change the time labels containing year, quarter, week and day number to just day numbers by typing in. Hit <Enter> to apply the changes.





  • The trendline equation now becomes y = -2.5x + 21.5. Substituting 0 for y and solving the equation for x, gives the x-intercept as 8.6 (= 21.5/2.5), which means the team reaches zero tasks on 8.6th period (or day) instead of 6, according to their performance in the previous periods.

  • The chart uses the existing four data points to plot the trendline. Typing in 4.6 (= 8.6 – 4) to the Forward box in the Forecast section of Format Trendline pane (right-click the trendline to open it) extends the forecast by 4.6 periods so that the trendline reaches x-intercept.


We can now easily see the difference on the chart. As a result, the team might not be able to complete the project on Day 6. See the resulting chart below:





Alternatively, instead of copying the chart to a new workbook, a copy of the pivot table data can also be used for plotting the chart with emptied cells of Day 5 and Day 6 on the remaining actual tasks’ column; that is, deleting 12s on the 11th and 12th of 10th week, as elaborated below:


  • Select the data in the PivotTable and copy/paste them to another sheet. Use these data, instead of the PivotTable data, to create the chart.


Finally, the following is a quick and simple method to transfer the numbers from the timescaled table of the Task Usage view to an MS Excel sheet: 


  • Select the cells holding the timephased data and click the Copy button on the Task tab’s Clipboard group or just hit <Ctrl> + <C> on the keyboard. Note that you must pay extra attention not to select the wrong cells.

  • Then paste the numbers into the MS Excel sheet.

If you choose to use this method, you need to do some additional work, such as manually entering the timescale days and the field names to the MS Excel sheet in order to create a table for the data.

  • Arrange the data copied into the new sheet as a table; replace the day numbers with labels and delete the numbers below the future periods, Day 5 and Day 6 in the Remaining Actual Tasks row.

  • Select the table and click the Insert a line chart button on the Insert tab. MS Excel will insert a line chart to the sheet.

  • Add a trendline to the Remaining Actual Tasks field’s line graph as described before, but this time, enter 2.6 period, instead of 4.6, to the Forward box in the Forecast section in order to see where the trendline intercepts the time axis, as it is seen below:




As you know, MS Excel has some statistical functions that can be used to calculate x-intercept of the trendline (i.e., the period where the progress reaches zero tasks) and to calculate the values at any data point on the trendline, as well as its slope.




The bars for the number of tasks completed on each day have been added to the chart above. Although it may not be related to the team’s performance, the progress rate fluctuates a lot from period to period, as it is seen on the bar chart. Now the forecast has been pushed back to Day 7 (i.e., 7th period = -23.1 / -3.3).

Note -- As included in the Office family of products, MS Project has similar graphical report elements with both MS Excel and MS Access, therefore, you can locate and read the topics, such as “Add a trend or moving average line to a chart” and “Choosing the best trendline for your data” in the support website in order to have more information on using the trendline feature --


Completing the Project


Now it is the end of the Day 5, the current period, the team has reported that they successfully completed 7 scheduled tasks, including a task from the next period, so that the number of remaining actual tasks is now 5, as it is seen below:



In Day 6, the team completes the remaining 5 tasks, thus, the project ends.




As it is seen above, in the Team Planner view of the completed project, tasks in the actual task layout have not been distributed evenly over days like they were in the estimated task layout at the beginning of the project.



Calculating Additional Number-of-Tasks Data by Using Custom Field Formulas



In this section, we will develop several task custom field formulas that will produce some additional information related to the number of tasks at project summary level (this is the LinkedIn Pulse version of the same content). This information produced at the project summary level may help us further with interpreting the visual status information presented by the chart. The formula results will be displayed in task tables inserted to the report page of the chart.


  • Text30’s formula calculates the number of calendar days between the project’s start and the status date:

Label:              STATUS DATE 

Formula:         "Day " & Int( [Status Date] ) - Int( [Project Start] ) + 1


In the Custom Fields dialog box, select Use formula in the section Calculation for task and group summary rows. Instead of the formula above, the status date can be directly displayed in the chart by using a formula in Text30 such as,


ProjDateConv( [Status Date], pjDate_mmm_dd_yyy)


Then the date format of the time category on the horizontal axis should also be changed accordingly to match the status date’s date format.


In a project, where the status updates are done weekly (i.e., performed at the end of each week), and where the time category of the chart is set to show the relative week numbers from the project start, a different formula can be utilized to display the relative week number corresponding to the status date as follows, provided that the week starts on Monday in the current project plan file:

“Week ” & 1 + DateDiff( “ww”, [Project Start], [Status Date], pjMonday)


  • Number1’s formula returns the total number of tasks in the project at the project summary level:

Label:              TOTAL TASKS

Formula:         1  (enter 1 into Number1’s formula box)

Calculation for task and group summary rows = Rollup: Sum


Note that the project level custom field Task Count gives the total number of tasks in the entire project, including the summary tasks, except for the project summary task.

  • Number2’s formula calculates the total number of completed tasks in the project:

Label:              COMPLETED

Formula:         iif( [% Complete] = 100, 1, 0 )

Calculation for task and group summary rows = Rollup: Sum

  • Number3’s formula calculates the total number of tasks left to be completed with any percentage of completion:

Label:              UNCOMPLETED  or use %C<100 as label, where %C represents Percentage of Completion.

Formula:         iif( [% Complete] < 100, 1, 0 )

Calculation for task and group summary rows = Rollup: Sum

The formula below also calculates the number of uncompleted tasks indirectly by subtracting the number of completed tasks from the total number:


iif( [ID] = 0 OR [Summary], [Number1] – [Number2], 0 )

Calculation for task and group summary rows = Use formula

  • Number5’s formula below calculates the number of scheduled tasks that remain in the project as of the status date for any summary tasks and the project summary task:

Number4’s intermediate formula:  


iif( [Finish] <= [Status Date], 1, 0 )

Calculation for task and group summary rows = Rollup: Sum


Number4’s formula calculates the total number of the tasks that have been scheduled to finish on or before the status date, at any summary level. Thus, at the project summary level, subtracting this number from the total number of tasks in the project yields the number of remaining tasks in the project as of the status date, as follows: 

Number5’s formula:


Label:              REMAINING TASKS

Formula:         iif( [ID] = 0 OR [Summary], [Number1] – [Number4], 0 )

Calculation for task and group summary rows = Use formula


This formula returns the same number to the custom number field as the value that the Remaining Tasks field calculates in the period (i.e., days in this example) corresponding to the status date in the timephased table for any summary tasks or the project summary task.

  • Number7’s formula below calculates the number of scheduled tasks that remain to be completed as of the status date for any summary tasks and the project summary task:

Number6’s intermediate formula:


iif( [Finish] <= [Status Date] AND [% Complete] = 100, 1, 0 )

Calculation for task and group summary rows: Rollup: Sum


Number6’s formula calculates the total number of the tasks that have been completed on or before the status date, at any summary level. Thus, at the project summary level, subtracting this number from the total number of tasks in the project yields the number of remaining actual tasks in the project as of the status date, as follows: 

Number7’s formula:


Label:              REMAINING ACTUAL TASKS

Formula:         iif( [ID] = 0 OR [Summary], [Number1] – [Number6], 0 )

Calculation for task and group summary rows: Use formula


This formula returns the same number to the table as the value that the Remaining Actual Tasks field calculates in the period (or day) corresponding to the status date in the timephased table for any summary tasks or the project summary task.  

The chart below shows each formula result displayed in an individual small task table inserted to the report page for the schedule that has not been updated yet at the end of the status date:



Note -- When you save the project plan file and exit MS Project while viewing the report, and then open the mpp file again, MS Project will start the file with the last view, that is, the report page. At that moment, the formula results may be displayed as #ERROR in the chart, and hitting <F9> does not refresh the results. In this case, change view, for example, to the Gantt Chart view, and refresh the formula fields by hitting <F9> and then go back to the report page. The same action can also be applied in the lower pane of the combination view (i.e., Report view and Task Usage view combination) that we have used in the demonstrations. Then you will see that all #ERRORs have already been replaced with the calculated data --

At this point, there are two task status scenarios that we need to discuss regarding use of the number of remaining actual tasks: tasks with actuals in the future and incomplete tasks in the past, as of the status date.

Future Tasks with Progress


Although, in our example project, tasks are grouped in the form of to-do lists without sequencing, updating a future task with progress information, say in Day 6, by entering a value to the % Complete field, while we are still, say in Day 4, would be out-of-sequence updating.


If there are tasks completed in future periods, in the remaining actual tasks’ line graph, the change in the label values where the line does not continue horizontal will reveal such tasks. Both in the Task Usage view and in the chart, as we would expect, the field’s project summary level value in the status period will not exclude the tasks completed in future. Also note that the future tasks with partial progress will be completely invisible both in the table and the chart. Number7’s formula (REMAINING ACTUAL TASKS) will demonstrate the same behavior.


Suppose that you, as a consultant, are reviewing a project schedule that has been updated not by you, but by the project manager at the PM office. If you want to check whether there are any tasks with actuals after the status date, the formula below would help you to quickly see such tasks:


Number 8’s formula:



Formula:         ( [Actual Start]<>ProjDateValue("NA")  AND  [Stop] > [Status Date] ) * -1

Calculation for task and group summary rows: Rollup: Sum


The formula finds the future tasks in progress or completed, in-progress tasks crossing the status date (tasks ahead of schedule ) and the future tasks that have actual start date but no progress (% Complete = 0). If the custom number field with this formula in a task table or the table that displays the result of the formula in the chart does not show 0 at the project summary level, then you can check the schedule for the future tasks with progress and decide on how to deal with them.


Let us now add Number8’s formula (TASKS IN FUTURE WITH ACTUALS) to the report page and update Day 6’s tasks as follows: enter the values 90 and 100 to the % Complete fields of two tasks, and copy the Start field to the Actual Start field in a task with 0% progress. This is how the chart and the numbers look like now (the red pointers were added to the picture manually):


Incomplete Tasks in the Past


If there are incomplete tasks prior to the status date in a project schedule, both the number returned by Number7’s formula (REMAINING ACTUAL TASKS) and the Remaining Actual Tasks field’s value on the status date in the timescale include these tasks, as being scheduled tasks that remain to be completed in the project.


To make such tasks visible, the formula below can be used to check whether there are any incomplete tasks in the schedule:


Number9’s formula:



Formula:         (  (  [Actual Start] = ProjDateValue("NA")  AND  [Start] < [Status Date]  )  OR  (  [Actual Start] <> ProjDateValue("NA")  AND  [Stop] < [Status Date] AND [% Complete] <> 100   )  )* -1

Calculation for task and group summary rows: Rollup: Sum


The first test condition finds the unstarted tasks in the past and the second one identifies the tasks behind the schedule (  ) and the tasks in the past that have actual start dates but zero progresses. Note that if an in-progress task crossing the status date (or taking place in the status day) is on schedule ( ), its stop date should be equal to the status date in a schedule that has already been updated. 


If the custom number field with this formula in a task table or the table that displays the result of the formula in the chart does not show 0 at the project summary level, then you can check the schedule for the incomplete tasks prior to the status date and decide on how to deal with them.


We will now add a table that displays the Number9 field to the report page and update the tasks as follows: enter the values 0 and 90 to the % Complete fields of two tasks in periods prior to the status period. See how the chart and the numbers look like now:




Note -- These task table elements displaying formula results in the chart (i.e., the formula tables) can be easily used in the other reports within the same project plan file too by copy/pasting. In order to use them in other project plan files, you need to copy the report to the Global.mpt along with the custom fields by using the Organizer dialog box. Then all the project plan files opened on the same system will automatically access them --


If you do not prefer to show the data table on the bottom of the chart or even the labels on the line graphs, you can use a combination view where the timephased table on the bottom pane and the chart on the top pane, as demonstrated in previous sections. If you are not interested in how the numbers are trending over time, you may use only the tables with formulas instead of the chart in order to show the values on the status date, as we have just explored above. In case, you just want to show the fields’ values on the status date with no additional information, you can insert a 100% Stacked Column chart to the report page, which plots three fields on the status date by setting the time category’s start and finish dates to the status date, as it is seen below.


This section concludes our discussion on the task burndown chart. So, having already read all the sections, you can now decide on how to make use of these charts to your benefit while planning and managing projects in your particular project environment. Focusing on number of remaining tasks data may prove to be useful in daily tracking and forecasting team’s progress during the execution of short-term projects composed of tasks that can be divided into equal non-dependent portions requiring identical and mostly mental type of work to complete by small teams whose members ideally possess similar skills, knowledge and experience.



Building a Custom Work Burndown Chart



Three reports in the built-in set contain the WORK BURNDOWN charts, as shown in the following table:



The Reports dialog box can be used to access these reports. Notice in the table that the task chart in the Slipping Tasks report of In Progress category does not include the BaselineX Remaining Cumulative Work field.

Note -- As MS Project allows inserting hyperlinks to the graphical report pages, some built-in reports contain links to the websites that contain the product help articles on various topics such as baselines and burndown reports --

When we open the Field List pane for any charts above, it shows all the fields included in the chart (see the column Fields Selected in the table above) as well as the common settings applied to all the charts, as shown below:




Based on these common settings, all the task charts listed above plot the line graphs of the selected fields’ data stored in the task-timephased category against time at the project summary level for the entire project.


Note -- Inactive Tasks in MS Project Standard | Suppose that you create a project plan file in MS Project Professional, that contains some inactive tasks, and then a team member at a different location opens it in MS Project Standard. MS Project Standard treats the Active field of that project plan file as a read-only field. As a result, an inactive task is recognized, but its status cannot be set to active. In that project plan file, the read-only Active field is set to Yes by default for a new task created. The built-in filter Active Tasks can be applied to the read-only field. Thus, in MS Project Standard, the Active Tasks filter can be applied to the tasks in a chart or table element in a graphical report in that project plan file.


In a project plan file originally created in MS Project Standard, the Active field is recognized in a filter, but it actually means All Tasks (or no filter) since there will be no inactive tasks in this project plan. On the other hand, the Active field cannot be inserted to a task table nor can it be referenced in formulas; that is, it does not exist. Therefore, the Active Tasks filter in a graphical report in this project plan file will be the same as the All Tasks filter and does not trigger any error --


Note -- The Create Reports report of the Getting Started category contains a task chart with the title TASK BURNDOWN but the chart plots the fields Remaining Cumulative Work and Remaining Cumulative Actual Work against time, instead of the fields holding the number-of-tasks data. Having mentioned this, these are the default reports that can be easily modified and customized --


Important Note -- In order to interpret the information presented by the WORK BURNDOWN chart, we first need to understand how MS Project calculates the planned, current or scheduled and actual work data stored in the fields, Remaining Cumulative Work, BaselineX Remaining Cumulative Work and Remaining Cumulative Actual Work. It is recommended not to continue reading if you have skipped the previous section that covers all three fields in detail --


We are now going to create a custom work burndown chart, based on the same example project and progress status scenarios as in the previous section, to see how the graphs on the chart look like on each of these three scenarios discussed before.


According to the estimated schedule, the amount of effort to accomplish each task in the example project would be the same and the tasks have been distributed evenly over the days of the example project, therefore, the line graph of the remaining cumulative work will initially have a uniform negative slope in the work burndown chart just like it was in the task burndown chart. Since also we are going to apply the same scenario in the demonstrations, the resulting trends in the line graphs in the work burndown chart will be the same as those in the task burndown chart, as we proceed through the steps. On the other hand, in real life projects, the number-of-tasks data and the work data may not follow the same distribution pattern over time and they may not even have a trend of any kind in the estimated schedule.



Scenario 1/3: Team’s Progress on Schedule



The following is the chart that plots the example project’s planned, scheduled and actual remaining work data, after it has been updated with actuals at the end of the status period, Day 1.


In order to review the data while interpreting the graphs, a data table can be inserted below the graphs instead of displaying the labels at the data points or a combination view with a task usage data at the bottom can be opened as described before. The formula table below the chart shows the project’s various work data at the project summary level as of the status date.


The remaining cumulative actual work’s blue line graph merges with both the orange line graph of the remaining cumulative work and the yellow line graph of the baseline remaining cumulative work (behind the orange one) at the data point corresponding to 160 hrs at the end of the status period. The blue line graph stays horizontal at the current number of remaining cumulative actual work in all the future periods. As a result, the project is on track in this period since the team has actually completed all the work scheduled for this period.


Rescheduling the Work


Now let us see how the work burndown chart looks like on each step of the scenario as we proceed with them, as follows: shift some of the scheduled work to be performed on the two tasks of Day 2 to the last day of the project:


We can achieve this schedule revision by either method; remove the existing two tasks from Day 2’s task list and then add them to Day 6’s task list, or move tasks from Day 2 to Day 6 by drag-and-drop scheduling. Both methods result in the same chart below since deleting tasks does not affect the summary level work data stored in the baseline rows. The latter is preferable to the former, since it avoids the step of defining new tasks.


In the chart above, comparing the Baseline Remaining Cumulative Work field’s line graph with that of the Remaining Cumulative Work field shows us the changes that have occurred on the distribution of the remaining cumulative work over periods, which would otherwise be difficult to see by reviewing the task-timephased numbers in the Task Usage view. So, we can update the baseline and proceed with this scenario.


Scenario 2/3: Progress Ahead of Schedule


At the end of Day 2, the team has reported that more work has actually been completed than was originally scheduled in this period since they have also finished three future tasks from Day 3. At this moment, we already know that the team’s progress is ahead of the schedule at the end of this status period, but we need to update the project schedule with the progress information reported in order for it to reflect the current status as of Day 2, so that the resulting chart shows us the current status of the project graphically based on the remaining amount of work and also enable us to forecast the future progress. The following pictures show the data points of the graphs in Day 2, before and after three future tasks have been moved back from Day 3 to Day 2:



By this update in the schedule, the remaining amount of scheduled work in Day 2 has been reduced from 144 hrs to 120 hrs; compare the orange data points of the remaining cumulative work graph in both pictures above. But since the schedule’s status has not been updated yet, the blue data point of the remaining cumulative actual work graph is still at 160 hrs in the second picture above. As soon as the status of the schedule has also been updated by completing all the tasks in Day 2 (e.g., entering 100 to the % Complete field), the remaining cumulative actual work graph merges with the remaining cumulative work graph at 120 hrs, see below:


Note -- The graphs are usually plotted to visualize any trend that may exist on how the data change over time, therefore, the data labels displayed on the graphs crowd the chart with information unnecessarily, as it is seen in the chart above. Instead, you may either add a data table to the chart or use a combination view with a usage table on the bottom when you want to see the work hours at the data points along with the graphs --

Thus, as the Day 2’s frames before and after all the updates (see below) show us both graphically (by comparing the steepness of the graphs) and numerically (by comparing the data labels), the team’s progress is ahead of the schedule in this status period since the amount of scheduled work that has actually remained at the end of Day 2 (see the blue label on the right, 120 hrs) is less than the work hours that was originally scheduled (see the orange label on the left, 144 hrs):




The data point of the Baseline Remaining Cumulative Work field’s line graph (see the yellow one) shows us what the previous remaining cumulative work value was in that period before the schedule has been updated. That difference will disappear as soon as the baseline has been updated. It is important to note that the difference between the data points of the remaining cumulative work (the orange one) and its baseline in this period is not a variance to the baseline, but instead, it just shows that the backward cumulative distribution of the remaining cumulative work data over time in the current schedule has changed and it is now different than that of the previous cumulative work data captured in the baseline. As it is apparent from the data points at the start of both the orange and yellow lines being at 192 hrs (total project work), there is no work variance at the project summary level in the project. But since we will be looking for the resulting values rather than the distribution trends on such changes, it would be better to track the work variances to the baseline by using the associated fields in a task table, especially while evaluating the project status in any period during the execution phase of a project (see the formula table that shows zero work variance on the 3rd chart). Therefore, we will continue the demonstrations without the baseline. Baselines can be set and cleared on the fly while working on various distribution scenarios, for example, just before doing any changes to the project schedule.



Scenario 3/3: Progress Behind Schedule


Eight hours of work scheduled for Day 3 were completed. Now, at the end of Day 4, this is the project’s status in terms of the remaining work as depicted by the chart below, after having updated the project schedule with the progress information reported by the team: 80 hours of scheduled work should have remained at the end of Day 4, but the team has actually completed less work than scheduled in this period, so the remaining cumulative actual work value reported is 96 hours. As a result, the team’s progress is behind the schedule in this period.



Now we will move Day 4’s incomplete work to the next day. As it is seen in the second frame below, the remaining cumulative work graph merges with the remaining cumulative actual work graph at 96 hours. And the steepness of the orange line graph increases toward Day 5 since more work has to be done now in Day 5 than before.



Regarding our example project; it is important to note that we have discussed the project’s status within each status period on each step of the scenario and the corrective actions taken after the status was evaluated have affected only the distribution of the scheduled work that remains but not the project’s finish date since no delays were recorded while updating the schedule and also since the tasks that have been moved have no dependencies (that is, there is no critical path that controls the project’s finish date). Therefore, at this point, if the remaining cumulative work graph gets too steep in the future periods because of the incomplete work that has been shifted ahead to these periods, it is required to verify that the amount of work allocated to the team in the remaining periods does not exceed the team’s work capacity and availability. Based on your prediction on whether the team might be able to complete all the scheduled work that remains within the remaining project duration according to the current schedule, you may now decide to take some preventive actions to eliminate any potential performance issues in the future periods that might arise from overloading the team even when MS Project does not alert for any overallocations at the moment. Depending on the type of the project, a trendline added to the Remaining Cumulative Actual Work field’s line graph can be used to forecast whether or not the team might be able to reach zero remaining work on the estimated finish date based on their past performance.



Completing the Project


This is the chart at the end of Day 5 where the team’s progress has been as scheduled:



This is the chart of the completed project with zero remaining work, as scheduled:




In the formula tables below the chart, both the current and actual work values at the project level show 192 hours now. 


· · ·


The content above has demonstrated how to use a chart plotting the line graphs of the fields Remaining Cumulative Work, Baseline Remaining Cumulative Work and Remaining Cumulative Actual Work while tracking progress in a fixed-finish-date short-term, possibly internal, project implementation scenario. In such projects, the actual work usually starts off with a rough plan, and therefore, how the scheduled work that remains is distributed over the project’s remaining duration changes as the details become known and are reflected to the project plan during the course of the project. And some scope changes implemented may add up to the overall work scheduled for the project. The project team is expected to be flexible enough to adjust for such fluctuations in the workload. In this scenario, it is better to focus on the amount of scheduled work that has actually been left to be completed from the status date on, rather than the amount of scheduled work that has actually been completed to the status date. Thus, having considered the team’s work availability and capacity in the remaining periods, as well as the team’s past performance to date, a work burndown chart may help you in predicting whether the team might be able to reach zero remaining work on the fixed-finish date.



eBooks on MS Project



eBook (pdf) Mastering Custom Field Formulas in MS Project

Details are available here


eBook (pdf) Using MS Project’s Built-in Functions in Formulas

Details are available here



eBook (pdf) Text Reporting in MS Project

Details are available here



eBook (multiple - kindle & pdf) Handling Multiple Hours-Per-Days by Using Custom Field Formulas in MS Project

Details are available here








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All Content Copyright © Ismet Kocaman |[at] | No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the Author (Ismet Kocaman). Do not quote/refer to the parts of the document and do not use it as training material without permission. 


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Microsoft® is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The author of this document has no affiliation with Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Screen captures were used with authorization from Microsoft Corporation. This document is not a product of Microsoft Corporation.